3DMark v2 圖形卡效能基準測試軟體-/新永資訊有限公司

3DMark v2 圖形卡效能基準測試軟體

3DMark v2 圖形卡效能基準測試軟體

  • 3DMark v2 圖形卡效能基準測試軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    3Dmark包含了PC和移動設備基準測試所需的一切功能。無論您是在智慧型手機、平板電腦、筆記型電腦還是桌上型電腦上玩遊戲,3DMark 擁有專為您的硬體而設計的基準測試。3DMark 將推出更多測試,而且新介面更快捷、更靈活、更易用。此外,您還可以通過選擇所需安裝的測試項目更快下載並節省存儲空間。
  • 價格

3DMark V2 graphics card performance benchmarking software

The right test every time 
It's easy to find the right test for your PC. 3DMark automatically scans your hardware & recommends the best benchmark for your system.

Choose your tests 
3DMark grows bigger every year with new tests. When you buy 3DMark from Steam, you can choose to install only the tests you need.

Compare scores 
See how your 3DMark score compares with results from other systems with the same combination of CPU and GPU.

Estimated game performance 
3DMark helps you relate your score to real-world game performance by estimating the frame rates you can expect in a selection of popular games.

Hardware monitoring 
Detailed charts show you how the CPU and GPU temperatures, clock speeds, and the frame rate changed during your benchmark run.

Custom settings 
Explore your PC's performance limits by changing the resolution and other quality settings to make benchmarks more or less demanding.


System Requirements

Minimum system requirements
OS    Windows 10, 64-bit
Processor    1.8 GHz dual-core CPU
Memory    4 GB of system memory
Graphics    DirectX 11
Hard drive    2.9 GB free space to install Time Spy only

Recommended system requirements
 OS    Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11
Processor    1.8 GHz dual-core CPU with SSSE3 support
Memory    4 GB of system memory
Graphics    DirectX 12 with 3 GB of graphics memory
Hard drive    8.7 GB free space to install all tests

Ready for Windows 11
All the currently supported benchmarks and feature tests in 3DMark are compatible with Windows 11.

Compatibility notes
To run Time Spy and Night Raid benchmarks, you need Windows 10, a graphics card that supports DirectX 12, and a processor that supports SSSE3.
Wild Life benchmarks require a GPU that supports Vulkan 1.1.
To run Port Royal, you must have the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809) and a graphics card that supports Microsoft DirectX Raytracing.
The DirectX Raytracing feature test requires Windows 10 Version 2004 or later and a DirectX 12 compatible graphics card with driver support for DirectX Raytracing Tier 1.1.
Mesh Shader and Sampler Feedback feature tests require Windows 10 version 2004 or later and a graphics card with drivers that support Microsoft DirectX 12 Ultimate.
The PCI Express feature test requires a DirectX 12 compatible discrete graphics card.
The VRS feature test requires Windows 10 version 1903 or later and a DirectX 12 GPU that supports Variable-Rate Shading.
The NVIDIA DLSS feature test requires an NVIDIA graphics card that supports DLSS.
The 3DMark Storage Benchmark needs 30 GB of free strorage space to run the test. We recommend using a 3.0 GHz quad-core processor or better when testing ultra-fast storage.



為您的 PC 輕鬆找到合適的測試。3DMark 會自動掃描您的硬件並為您的系統推薦最佳基準。

3DMark 每年都在通過新的測試變得更大。當您從 Steam 購買 3DMark 時,您可以選擇僅安裝您需要的測試。

查看您的 3DMark 分數如何與具有相同 CPU 和 GPU 組合的其他系統的結果進行比較。

詳細的圖表向您展示了在基準測試運行期間 CPU 和 GPU 溫度、時鐘速度和幀速率如何變化。

通過更改分辨率和其他質量設置來提高或降低基準測試的要求,探索 PC 的性能限制。

3DMark 通過估算您在一系列熱門遊戲中的預期幀速率,幫助您將分數與真實遊戲性能聯繫起來。


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