ChartDirector v7 圖表製作軟體-繪圖應用軟體/新永資訊有限公司

ChartDirector v7 圖表製作軟體

ChartDirector v7 圖表製作軟體

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ChartDirector charting software

New Features
Treemap Chart
TreeMap chart is a new chart type in ChartDirector. A treemap chart is similar to a pie chart. Whereas a pie chart divides a circle into slices, a treemap chart divides a rectangle into multiple rectangles. The child rectangles can be divided into yet more rectangles. So a treemap chart can be used to visualize a tree like data structure with multiple levels of divisions.

Discrete Heat Map
Discrete Heat Map is a new layer type for XYChart. It consists of square or rectangular cells colored based on their data values. Like a contour layer, a discrete heat map layer contains a color axis that maps data values to colors.

Circular Bar Meter
A circular bar meter is like a linear bar meter, but with the bar bends in a circular direction. By using an angular gradient, the colors along the bar can vary depending on the meter value. The center of the meter can be used to display the meter value in text.

Multi-Page PDF Output
The PDF output feature of ChartDirector has been extended to allow generating a PDF with multiple pages. Each page can contain multiple charts as well as free form text, tables, drawings and images. That means ChartDirector can now generate complete PDF reports.

Huge Data Set Support
With the new DataAccelerator object, ChartDirector can plot charts with a billion data points, with smooth zoom, scroll and track cursor support, and updating at thousands of data points per second in real time.

High DPI Support
ChartDirector GUI controls, such as the chart viewer controls and viewport controls in C++ and .NET, will now automatically detect if the application is high DPI aware, and will resize render the charts at the detected DPI. There are also APIs to force the charts to render at a given DPI.

Automatic Responsive Image Map
In responsive web design, the web page elements can change size and layout depending on whether it is viewed by a desktop or mobile device. This is typically achieved by using cascaded style sheets (CSS). However, browsers typically cannot resize HTML image maps. If the chart image is resized, it will no longer match the image map, and the hot spots and tooltips may not work correctly.

In previous versions of ChartDirector, Javascript code can be written to register the chart with the ChartDirector Javascript Chart Viewer. The image map will then be resize on the fly to fit the image. On ChartDirector 7.0, this is automatic and no code is required.

CDML Tooltip
ChartDirector GUI controls now support tooltips formatting with CDML (ChartDirector Mark Up Language). This allows rich formatting of the tooltips, semi-transparent tooltip container, and allows the tooltips to contain icons and images.

CDML Enhancements
CDML adds support for containers with rounded corners and configurable margins, and polyshape symbols. (See PolyShape section below.)

Contour Labels
ChartDirector can now draw labels along the contours in a contour chart or heat map. This allows contour values to be displayed directly on the contours, instead of having to lookup their values based on the underlying colors.

Contour Cross Section
ChartDirector can now computes the cross section between two points on a contour chart or heat map. The cross section is represented as the z values along a straight connecting the two points.

Contour Tooltip
ChartDirector now supports continuously varying tooltips on a contour chart or heat map to display the (x, y, z) values as the mouse moves.

Contour getZAtPixel
ChartDirector 7.0 introduces a new API ContourLayer.getZAtPixel for obtaining the z value at any (x, y) position on a contour chart or heat map.

4D Surface
In a surface chart, the surface is defined with (x, y, z) coordinates. By default, the z coordinate also determines the surface color. ChartDirector now supports using an extra coordinate w for the surface color. For example, the w coordinate can represent the temperature on the surface. In this case, the color will be based on the temperature instead of the z coordinate.

Surface XY Projection
The projection of a surface chart on the XY plane is a contour chart. ChartDirector can now include the projection on the XY wall of the surface chart.

Surface Lines and Zones
ChartDirector now supports including custom line segments and rectangular zones on the surface or a surface chart.

Surface Texture
ChartDirector now supports drawing a custom image on the surface of a surface chart, The image can be semi-transparent so as not to block the underlying surface. The image can be generated on the fly by using another chart or the DrawArea object. This feature is useful for adding custom annotations on the chart. An example is to use a polar chart as the image to include semi-transparent circular zones on the chart.

Surface Tooltip
ChartDirector now supports continuously varying tooltips on a surface chart to display the (x, y, z, w) values as the mouse moves.

Surface getValuesAtPixel
ChartDirector 7.0 introduces a new API SurfaceChart.getValuesAtPixel for obtaining the (x, y, z, w) values any pixel position on a surfaced chart.

Surface Chart output in PDF/SVG
The PDF and SVG formats are basically designed for 2D graphics. In previous versions of ChartDirector, for 3D surface charts, ChartDirector needs to use varous ways to emulate 3D graphics with the 2D graphics capability of SVG/PDF. The resulting SVG/PDF can become very large and complex that many SVG/PDF viewers and browsers have difficulty displaying them.

ChartDirector 7.0 now uses hybrid rendering methods. The 3D parts are pre-rendered by ChartDirector while the text, lines and 2D parts of the chart are rendered using PDF/SVG graphics. The resulting PDF/SVG is much smaller and can be viewed by common PDF/SVG viewers and browsers.

Keep Aspect Ratio Zooming
In previous versions of ChartDirector, for zooming support, the x and y directions zoom independently. It is common to find charts that only zoom in the x direction. For charts that zoom in both directions, the user can drag a rectangle to zoom into such that the x and y directions zoom by different factors.

ChartDirector 7.0 introduces a "keep aspect ratio" mode to keep the aspect ratio unchanged during zooming. This is useful for contour charts related to geographic maps of which the x and y directions must zoom by the same factor.

Angular Gradient Color
ChartDirector now supports angular gradient color, which is a gradient which changes color depending on the bearing of the pixel relative to a center point.

X-Scale Color and Y-Scale Color
In previous versions of ChartDirector, color scales are used to define the colors based on the z values for contour and surface charts. ChartDirector 7.0 now extends this to support coloring objects based on the x and y values in XY charts.

ChartDirector can now export the color scale of a color axis. The color scale can be used in other charts to ensure they have consistent colors. For example, if a cross section of a contour chart is to be visualized as an area chart, the color scale of the contour chart can be used as the y-scale color of the area chart to ensure consistent colors.

ChartDirector 7.0 introduces a new Axis.syncScale API to synchronize the axis scale only. In contrast, the existing Axis.syncAxis API sychronizes both the axis scale and geometry.

Axis.syncAxis is designed to synchronize the y-axes or x-axes of the an XY chart, To ensure the scales are perfectly aligned, the axes are assumed to have the same length. If the source axis is configured with axis margins, the axis sychronized with it will automatically have the same margins.

Axis.syncAxis is not suitable for axes with different lengths, such as axes from different charts. Examples include sychronizing an axis of a large chart with an axis for a small thumbnail chart, or synchorinzing a color axis with a y-axis. For these cases, Axis.syncScale can be used instead.

XY Size for Symbols
In previous versions of ChartDirector, for a scatter symbol, the size parameter refers to both width and height. Symbols with different width and height requires two arrays to specify the widths and heights individually for each symbol.

ChartDirector 7.0 introdues a new API xySize that can encode different width and height into a single size parameter. For example, it is now possible to specify an ellipse symbol by using a "circle" symbol with different width and height.

Legend Box CDML Text Item
A legend item in ChartDirector's legend box typically contains an icon, followed by text that describes what the icon means. ChartDirector 7.0 adds support for a pure text item. The text can be CDML (ChartDirector Mark Up Language) formatted. It can be used to add headings or empty lines to separate the legend items into sections, or to add legend items with icons in non-standard positions.

PolyShape Support
ChartDirector allows using custom shapes for symbols. In previous versions of ChartDirector, a custom shape can be any polygon or ellipse. ChartDirector 7.0 adds support of compound shapes filled using the even-odd rule. For example, it is now possible to make a hexagon symbol with a transparent circular hole inside by combining a hexagon and a circle inside. The even-odd rule means the region inside the circle is not filled at all, so it becomes a transparent hole.

Font Specification
In previous versions of ChartDirector for C++, Perl, Python, PHP and ASP/COM/VB, fonts are specified using their file names. ChartDirector 7.0 also allows fonts installed in the Windows or macOS operating system to be specified with their family names, followed by optional "Bold" and/or "Italic" keywords. Font file names remain supported as they are useful for private fonts or fonts embedded as resources in the executable.
Open Type Font with Postscript Outlines (CFF Font) Support
In previous versions of ChartDirector for C++, Perl, Python, PHP and ASP/COM/VB, only true type fonts (including open type fonts with true type outlines) are supported. ChartDirector 7.0 adds support for open type fonts with postscript outlines too.

Getter Methods for Viewport Right/Bottom
In previous versions of ChartDirector, the right position of the viewport has to be computed as the sum of viewport left and viewport width. Similarly, the bottom position has to be computed as the sum of viewport top and viewport height. ChartDirector 7.0 adds two methods to get the viewport right/bottom directly.

Behaviour Changes
ChartDirector 7.0 is designed to be code compatible with previous versions of ChartDirector. This means existing code should continue to run. However, the charts produced may look different in the following ways.

Default High DPI Support
ChartDirector 7.0 desktop GUI controls has built-in high DPI support enabled by default. If your existing application is high DPI aware, when running on a high DPI enabled computer, the charts may become sharper or larger depending on the GUI framework.

Modern operating systems can increase the size of its user interface by a configurable scale factor. This is often done because modern displays can have very high pixel density, making the standard user interface size visually too small.

Many applications are not aware of the high DPI scale factor and only draw their GUI in the standard size. The operating system will resize the GUI of these applications automatically. This makes the GUI larger, but not as sharp compared to applications that draw in the scale up size natively.

If an application is high DPI aware, it should obtain the high DPI scale factor at runtime and draw its GUI in the scale up size. The application must notify the operating system that it is high DPI aware (by caliing certain API or setting some flags) to avoid the operating system from resizing its GUI.

ChartDirector desktop controls, including controls for MFC, Qt, Windows Forms and WPF, will detect if the application is high DPI aware. If it is high DPI aware, these controls will draw the charts with the high DPI scale factor applied. The developer does not need to write extra code to resize the chart in high DPI mode.

Some GUI frameworks (Qt and WPF) will automatically resize non-high DPI images in high DPI aware mode. This means even with previous versions of ChartDirector, the charts are automatically resized. With ChartDirector 7.0, the charts will become sharper as they are natively high DPI.

Some GUI frameworks (MFC, and Windows Forms controls that is not configured to "StretchImage") will not automatically resize non-high DPI images. This means with older versions of ChartDirector, the charts may look smaller in high DPI aware mode. In ChartDirector 7.0, the charts will scale up to the correct size.

If your code already resizes the charts for high DPI support, the charts may become double resized when using ChartDirector 7.0 desktop controls. You may need to modify the code in one of the following ways:
Call the setDPI method of the control to set the DPI to 96. The control will then draw the chart in its standard size without the scale factor.
Or, modify your code so that it does not resize the charts for high DPI.

Responsive Web Design Support
In responsive web design, the web page elements can change size and layout depending on whether it is viewed by a desktop or mobile device. This is typically achieved by using cascaded style sheets (CSS).

ChartDirector for .NET Specific Change
In previous versions of ChartDirector for .NET, the chart image created will have a style attribute that specifies its size. As per HTML/CSS specification, the style attribute by default will override CSS. That means the chart image cannot be resized by CSS, unless the "!important" keyword is used in CSS to override the style attribute.

In ChartDirector 7.0, the chart image size will be specified using an alternative method that is overridable by CSS. If the CSS in your web page is applicable to the chart, it may have no effect in previous versions of ChartDirector, but will work in ChartDirector 7.0.

Chart Size in SVG
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can be rendered at any size by the viewing software (eg. the browser). In previous versions of ChartDirector, the SVG output does not have a definite size. The browser will render it as large as possible to fill its container. For example, if the SVG is inside a DIV tag, it will fill the DIV tag. This means the container determines the chart display size. This is different from raster images (PNG, JPG, GIF), which has a pixel size. If you replace a PNG with SVG, the display size of the chart may change from pixel size to container size.

SVG is useful in responsive web design as it maintains crispness regardless of resizing. ChartDirector 7.0 now includes a default size in SVG. This allows a SVG chart to replace a PNG, JPG or GIF chart without affecting web page layout. The SVG size can be overridden with CSS just like any other image.

Text Rendering Change
ChartDirector 7.0 uses a new text rendering engine with more accurate text positioning. The text length and text shape may change slightly.

Delayed Image Map Deprecated
If an image map is used, it should be included in the web page that contains the image. The delayed image map feature will generate a web page without the image map, and load the image map using Javascript in the background. The web page can appear faster while user interaction features (eg. tooltips and hot spots) will be delayed.

Delayed image map was designed at a time when people were using 9600 bps dial-up modem to access the web and a typical web page is only a few KB in size. We have removed delayed image from our sample code and documentation for a long time. In ChartDirector 7.0, existing code that uses delayed image map will continue to run, but the image map will act like a normal image map and will not be delayed.



ChartDirector supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
.NET Framework 4.0 or later (for .NET Framework
.NET Core 3.0 or later, including .NET 5 (for .NET Core
PHP 5.0 or above on Windows, Linux or macOS.
Python 2.0 or above on Windows, Linux or macOS.


ChartDirector 圖表製作軟體

TreeMap 圖表是 ChartDirector 中的一種新圖表類型。樹狀圖類似於餅圖。餅圖將圓劃分為切片,而樹狀圖將矩形劃分為多個矩形。子矩形可以分成更多的矩形。因此,樹狀圖可用於可視化具有多級劃分的樹狀數據結構。

離散熱圖是 XYChart 的新圖層類型。它由根據數據值著色的正方形或矩形單元格組成。與等高線圖層一樣,離散熱圖圖層包含將數據值映射到顏色的顏色軸。


多頁 PDF 輸出
ChartDirector 的 PDF 輸出功能已擴展為允許生成多頁 PDF。每個頁面可以包含多個圖表以及自由格式的文本、表格、繪圖和圖像。這意味著 ChartDirector 現在可以生成完整的 PDF 報告。

借助新的 DataAccelerator 對象,ChartDirector 可以繪製具有 10 億個數據點的圖表,支持平滑縮放、滾動和跟踪光標,並以每秒數千個數據點的速度實時更新。

高 DPI 支持
ChartDirector GUI 控件,例如 C++ 和 .NET 中的圖表查看器控件和視口控件,現在將自動檢測應用程序是否具有高 DPI 感知能力,並將在檢測到的 DPI 上調整渲染圖表的大小。還有一些 API 可以強製圖表以給定的 DPI 呈現。

在響應式網頁設計中,網頁元素可以根據是通過桌面設備還是移動設備查看來更改大小和佈局。這通常是通過使用級聯樣式表 (CSS) 來實現的。但是,瀏覽器通常無法調整 HTML 圖像映射的大小。如果調整圖表圖像的大小,它將不再與圖像地圖匹配,並且熱點和工具提示可能無法正常工作。
在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,可以編寫 Javascript 代碼來將圖表註冊到 ChartDirector Javascript 圖表查看器。然後將動態調整圖像地圖的大小以適合圖像。在 ChartDirector 7.0 上,這是自動的,不需要代碼。

CDML 工具提示
ChartDirector GUI 控件現在支持使用 CDML(ChartDirector 標記語言)格式化工具提示。這允許工具提示的豐富格式、半透明的工具提示容器,並允許工具提示包含圖標和圖像。

CDML 增強功能
CDML 添加了對帶有圓角和可配置邊距的容器以及 polyshape 符號的支持。(請參閱下面的 PolyShape 部分。)

ChartDirector 現在可以沿著等高線圖或熱圖中的等高線繪製標籤。這允許輪廓值直接顯示在輪廓上,而不必根據底層顏色查找它們的值。

ChartDirector 現在可以計算等高線圖或熱圖上兩點之間的橫截面。橫截面表示為沿連接兩點的直線的 z 值。

ChartDirector 現在支持在等高線圖或熱圖上不斷變化的工具提示,以在鼠標移動時顯示 (x, y, z) 值。

輪廓 getZAtPixel
ChartDirector 7.0 引入了一個新的 API ContourLayer.getZAtPixel,用於獲取等高線圖或熱圖上任何 (x, y) 位置的 z 值。

4D 表面
在曲面圖中,曲面由 (x, y, z) 坐標定義。默認情況下,z 坐標也決定了表面顏色。ChartDirector 現在支持使用額外的坐標 w 作為表面顏色。例如,w 坐標可以表示表面上的溫度。在這種情況下,顏色將基於溫度而不是 z 坐標。

表面 XY 投影
曲面圖在 XY 平面上的投影是等高線圖。ChartDirector 現在可以包括在曲面圖的 XY 牆上的投影。

ChartDirector 現在支持在曲面或曲面圖上包含自定義線段和矩形區域。
ChartDirector 現在支持在曲面圖的曲面上繪製自定義圖像,圖像可以是半透明的,以免遮擋底層曲面。可以使用另一個圖表或 DrawArea 對象動態生成圖像。此功能對於在圖表上添加自定義註釋很有用。一個示例是使用極坐標圖作為圖像以在圖表上包含半透明圓形區域。

ChartDirector 現在支持表面圖表上不斷變化的工具提示,以在鼠標移動時顯示 (x, y, z, w) 值。

表面 getValuesAtPixel
ChartDirector 7.0 引入了一個新的 API SurfaceChart.getValuesAtPixel,用於獲取表面圖表上任何像素位置的 (x, y, z, w) 值。

PDF/SVG 中的表面圖輸出
PDF 和 SVG 格式基本上是為 2D 圖形設計的。在之前版本的ChartDirector 中,對於3D 表面圖表,ChartDirector 需要通過SVG/PDF 的2D 圖形功能使用多種方式來模擬3D 圖形。生成的 SVG/PDF 可能變得非常大和復雜,以至於許多 SVG/PDF 查看器和瀏覽器都難以顯示它們。

ChartDirector 7.0 現在使用混合渲染方法。3D 部分由 ChartDirector 預渲染,而圖表的文本、線條和 2D 部分則使用 PDF/SVG 圖形渲染。生成的 PDF/SVG 小得多,可以通過常見的 PDF/SVG 查看器和瀏覽器查看。

在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,為了支持縮放,x 和 y 方向獨立縮放。發現僅在 x 方向上縮放的圖表是很常見的。對於雙向縮放的圖表,用戶可以拖動一個矩形進行縮放,以便 x 和 y 方向按不同的因子進行縮放。

ChartDirector 7.0 引入了“保持縱橫比”模式,在縮放過程中保持縱橫比不變。這對於與 x 和 y 方向必須按相同係數縮放的地理地圖相關的等高線圖很有用。

ChartDirector 現在支持角度漸變顏色,這是一種根據像素相對於中心點的方位來改變顏色的漸變。

X 尺度顏色和 Y 尺度顏色
在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,色階用於根據等高線和曲面圖的 z 值定義顏色。ChartDirector 7.0 現在對此進行了擴展,以支持基於 XY 圖表中的 x 和 y 值對對象進行著色。

ChartDirector 現在可以導出顏色軸的色標。色標可用於其他圖表以確保它們具有一致的顏色。例如,如果要將等高線圖的橫截面可視化為面積圖,則可以將等高線圖的色標用作面積圖的 y 軸顏色,以確保顏色一致。

ChartDirector 7.0 引入了一個新的 Axis.syncScale API 來僅同步軸刻度。相比之下,現有的 Axis.syncAxis API 同步軸比例和幾何。
Axis.syncAxis 旨在同步 XY 圖表的 y 軸或 x 軸,為確保刻度完美對齊,假定軸具有相同的長度。如果源軸配置了軸邊距,與其同步的軸將自動具有相同的邊距。
Axis.syncAxis 不適用於不同長度的軸,例如來自不同圖表的軸。示例包括將大圖表的軸與小縮略圖圖的軸同步,或將顏色軸與 y 軸同步。對於這些情況,可以改用 Axis.syncScale。

符號的 XY 大小
在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,對於散點符號,大小參數指的是寬度和高度。具有不同寬度和高度的符號需要兩個數組來分別為每個符號指定寬度和高度。
ChartDirector 7.0 引入了一個新的 API xySize,可以將不同的寬度和高度編碼為單個大小參數。例如,現在可以通過使用具有不同寬度和高度的“圓形”符號來指定橢圓符號。

圖例框 CDML 文本項
ChartDirector 圖例框中的圖例項通常包含一個圖標,後跟描述該圖標含義的文本。ChartDirector 7.0 添加了對純文本項的支持。文本可以是 CDML(ChartDirector 標記語言)格式。它可用於添加標題或空行將圖例項分隔為部分,或在非標準位置添加帶有圖標的圖例項。

PolyShape 支持
ChartDirector 允許對符號使用自定義形狀。在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,自定義形狀可以是任何多邊形或橢圓。ChartDirector 7.0 添加了對使用奇偶規則填充的複合形狀的支持。例如,現在可以通過組合內部的六邊形和圓形來製作內部帶有透明圓孔的六邊形符號。奇偶規則意味著圓內的區域根本沒有被填充,所以它變成了一個透明的洞。

在用於 C++、Perl、Python、PHP 和 ASP/COM/VB 的以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,字體是使用它們的文件名指定的。ChartDirector 7.0 還允許使用其係列名稱指定安裝在 Windows 或 macOS 操作系統中的字體,後跟可選的“Bold”和/或“Italic”關鍵字。仍然支持字體文件名,因為它們對於私有字體或作為資源嵌入可執行文件中的字體很有用。

支持 Postscript 大綱的開放式字體(CFF 字體)
在用於 C++、Perl、Python、PHP 和 ASP/COM/VB 的早期版本的 ChartDirector 中,僅支持真字體(包括具有真字體輪廓的開放式字體)。ChartDirector 7.0 也增加了對帶有 postscript 輪廓的開放式字體的支持。

視口右/下的 Getter 方法
在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,視口的右側位置必須計算為視口左側和視口寬度的總和。同樣,底部位置必須計算為視口頂部和視口高度的總和。ChartDirector 7.0 增加了兩種直接獲取視口右/下的方法。

ChartDirector 7.0 旨在與以前版本的 ChartDirector 代碼兼容。這意味著現有代碼應該繼續運行。但是,生成的圖表在以下方面可能會有所不同。

默認高 DPI 支持
ChartDirector 7.0 桌面 GUI 控件默認啟用內置高 DPI 支持。如果您現有的應用程序支持高 DPI,則在支持高 DPI 的計算機上運行時,圖表可能會變得更清晰或更大,具體取決於 GUI 框架。
許多應用程序不知道高 DPI 比例因子,僅以標準尺寸繪製其 GUI。操作系統將自動調整這些應用程序的 GUI 大小。這使得 GUI 更大,但與原生放大尺寸的應用程序相比並不那麼清晰。
如果應用程序具有高 DPI 感知能力,則應在運行時獲取高 DPI 比例因子並以放大尺寸繪製其 GUI。應用程序必須通知操作系統它是高 DPI 感知的(通過校準某些 API 或設置一些標誌)以避免操作系統調整其 GUI 的大小。
ChartDirector 桌面控件,包括 MFC、Qt、Windows 窗體和 WPF 的控件,將檢測應用程序是否具有高 DPI 感知能力。如果它知道高 DPI,這些控件將繪製應用高 DPI 比例因子的圖表。在高 DPI 模式下,開發人員不需要編寫額外的代碼來調整圖表的大小。
一些 GUI 框架(Qt 和 WPF)會在高 DPI 感知模式下自動調整非高 DPI 圖像的大小。這意味著即使使用以前版本的 ChartDirector,圖表也會自動調整大小。使用 ChartDirector 7.0,圖表將變得更加清晰,因為它們本身俱有高 DPI。
某些 GUI 框架(MFC 和未配置為“StretchImage”的 Windows 窗體控件)不會自動調整非高 DPI 圖像的大小。這意味著對於舊版本的 ChartDirector,圖表在高 DPI 感知模式下可能看起來更小。在 ChartDirector 7.0 中,圖表將放大到正確的大小。
如果您的代碼已經為高 DPI 支持調整了圖表的大小,則在使用 ChartDirector 7.0 桌面控件時,圖表的大小可能會雙倍調整。您可能需要通過以下方式之一修改代碼:
調用控件的 setDPI 方法將 DPI 設置為 96。然後控件將以其標準大小繪製圖表,沒有比例因子。
或者,修改您的代碼,使其不會為高 DPI 調整圖表大小。

在響應式網頁設計中,網頁元素可以根據是通過桌面設備還是移動設備查看來更改大小和佈局。這通常是通過使用級聯樣式表 (CSS) 來實現的。
.NET 特定更改的 ChartDirector
在用於 .NET 的 ChartDirector 的早期版本中,創建的圖表圖像將具有指定其大小的樣式屬性。根據 HTML/CSS 規範,默認情況下 style 屬性將覆蓋 CSS。這意味著圖表圖像不能通過 CSS 調整大小,除非在 CSS 中使用“!important”關鍵字來覆蓋樣式屬性。
在 ChartDirector 7.0 中,圖表圖像大小將使用可被 CSS 覆蓋的替代方法指定。如果您網頁中的 CSS 適用於圖表,則在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中可能無效,但在 ChartDirector 7.0 中可以使用。

SVG 中的圖表大小
可縮放矢量圖形 (SVG) 可以通過查看軟件(例如瀏覽器)以任何大小呈現。在以前版本的 ChartDirector 中,SVG 輸出沒有確定的大小。瀏覽器將盡可能大地渲染它以填充其容器。例如,如果 SVG 在 DIV 標籤內,它將填充 DIV 標籤。這意味著容器決定了圖表顯示大小。這與具有像素大小的光柵圖像(PNG、JPG、GIF)不同。如果用 SVG 替換 PNG,圖表的顯示大小可能會從像素大小更改為容器大小。
SVG 在響應式網頁設計中很有用,因為無論調整大小,它都能保持清晰。ChartDirector 7.0 現在在 SVG 中包含默認大小。這允許 SVG 圖表替換 PNG、JPG 或 GIF 圖表而不影響網頁佈局。SVG 大小可以像任何其他圖像一樣被 CSS 覆蓋。

ChartDirector 7.0 使用新的文本渲染引擎,文本定位更加準確。文本長度和文本形狀可能會略有變化。

延遲圖像映射是在人們使用 9600 bps 撥號調製解調器訪問網絡並且典型網頁只有幾 KB 大小的時候設計的。我們已經從我們的示例代碼和文檔中刪除了延遲圖像很長時間了。在 ChartDirector 7.0 中,使用延遲圖像映射的現有代碼將繼續運行,但圖像映射將像普通圖像映射一樣工作,不會延遲。


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ARCON Arcon Evo Premier 建築設計軟體

UnGraph 數位化繪圖軟體

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UnGraph  數位化繪圖軟體

FigSys 高品質資料分析座標圖軟體


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