Citrin 統計繪圖軟體
- Citrin 統計繪圖軟體
介紹Worksheets are Aabel's data storage mechanism, and provide numerous data management functions and utilities. They also act as dynamic data sources for data analysis and visualization.
Citrin 統計繪圖軟體
Worksheets are Aabel's data storage mechanism, and provide numerous data management functions and utilities. They also act as dynamic data sources for data analysis and visualization.
Supported Data Import Formats
• Excel format: 95, 97-2004 workbook (.xls)
• Delimited text data (tab, comma, semicolon, space, etc.)
• Fortran formatted data
• Delimited numeric matrix data
• Binary numeric matrix formats (8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit data)
Supported Variable Types
• Numbers (any legal numerical representation with no explicit sample space)
• Date and Time (30 built-in date & time formats, and tools for custom-defining a format)
• Text (with Unicode support)
Quality Control of Numeric Data
Citrin's quality control tools allow:
• Viewing the univariate statistics of a variable, including circular statistics
• Checking the number of missing values of a variable (discontinuous data, etc.)
• Detecting out-of-range values (impossible values, punching errors, etc.) and highlighting them in the corresponding worksheet rows
• Dealing with out-of-range values using different options
Worksheet Information and Notebook
The worksheet notebook has four functions:
• It displays a list of all variables present in the worksheet
• If a worksheet has been generated from the results of data filtering, the user-defined filter criteria will be stored in the worksheet notebook
• If the worksheet has been generated from cross-tabulating and pivoting, the information regarding the original worksheet file, primary and secondary split variables, etc., will be stored in the worksheet notebook
• It provides a text area for storing notes, e.g., data source references, etc.
The Worksheet Formula Editor
• The formula editor provides 46 pre-defined mathematical and statistical functions, and includes standard as well as boolean/conditional operators.
• In Aabel, variables are identified by names, and not by the position of worksheet columns. However, to facilitate sequential calculations, the formula editor provides functions that operate on variables by indices instead of names.
Citrin Graphic Viewer
The graphic viewer is Citrin's interface for data visualization and charting.
• The graphic viewer can work simultaneously with multiple worksheets, and has a real-time, two way interaction with data.
• The graphic viewer toolbar provides tools for interacting with data, zooming, moving and resizing graphics, creating tables and single-line text, and more.
• Saved graphic viewer files do not store static blocks of data; they store references to the source documents containing the data. Hence, when you change and save the source documents, all graphic viewers that contain a reference to the modified data source will be updated.
• The graphic sublayers manager allows creating multiple charts on each viewer page, overlaying X-Y charts, changing the stacking order of graphics, hiding/showing graphic objects, locking/unlocking objects in specific positions on the viewer page, modifying the transparency of fills, lines and markers, and more.
Citrin Charts
Binary Scatter and Scatter Series Charts
• Binary scatter providing 9 graph styles
• X-Y horizontal scatter series
• X-Y vertical scatter Series
• Scatter series (across X categories)
• Scatter Series (across Y categories)
• Double Y horizontal scatter series
• Double X vertical scatter series
• Double X-Y horizontal scatter series
• Double X-Y vertical scatter series
Line Charts
• X-Y line series (sort along X)
• X-Y line series (sort along Y)
• Line series (across X categories)
• Line series (across Y categories)
• Double Y line series (sort along X values)
• Double X line series (sort along Y values)
• Double Y line series (sort along X categories)
• Double Y line series (sort along Y categories)
Column, Bar, and Area Charts
• Column and charts
• Stacked column and stacked bar charts
• Clustered column and clustered bar charts
• X-Y (value-axes) column and bar charts
• Area charts
• stacked area charts
3-D Column, Pyramid, Band, and Area Charts
• For generating vector graphics, the options include:
º Rectangular prism/column (Quartz)
º Pyramid (Quartz)
º Pointed rectangular prism (Quartz)
º Hexagonal and pointed hexagonal prism (Quartz)
º Area (Quartz)
º Band (Quartz)
Pie Charts
• 2-D pie chart
• 3-D pie chart
Frequency Distribution/ Histograms
• Histograms of continuous data: absolute, relative, cumulative, z-score
• Histograms of categorical data: absolute, relative, cumulative, z-score
• Pareto charts
• Ogive
Probability Plots
• Normal Probability
• Uniform Probability
One-Way Box & Whisker and Box-Percentile Plots
• Regular and Notched box & whisker with the following options are available for plotting the whisker and outliers:
º Whiskers are extended to extreme data points
º Q1 - 1.5 * IQR, Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
º Q1 - 1.5 * IQR, Q3 + 1.5 * IQR (and outliers)
º 10th percentile, 90th percentile
º 10th percentile, 90th percentile (and outliers)
º 5th percentile, 95th percentile
º 5th percentile, 95th percentile (and outliers)
• Box-percentile is a box chart that uses width to encode information about the shape of the distributions.
One-Way Bar and Line Plots
• Mean bar or line (comparing mean values as a bar or line graph)
• Median bar or line (comparing median values as a bar or line graph)
• Max. bar orline (comparing maximum values as a bar oe line graph)
• Min. bar or line (comparing minimum values as a bar opr line graph)
Curve Fitting and Regression
• Linear:
º X on Y and through zero
º Major axis
º Reduced major axis
• Polynomial
• Exponential
• Logarithmic
• Power
• Cubic spline interpolation
Applying Error Bars
In Aabel, error bars can be applied to:
• Binary scatter plots
• Matrix Scatter diagram
• Scatter series
• Line series
• Column and bar charts (including stacked and clustered columns and bars)
• Area and stacked area charts
Error bars can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and can be based on:
º Standard error
º Standard deviation
º Fixed values
º Values of a variable (e.g., calculated errors, etc.)
Graphic File Export Support
Format for exporting graphics
• Bit images (raster files), including:
º Bitmap PICT
º Photoshop
Customizing Tools for Data Representation
Numerous, easy to use tools are available for chart customizing:
Unicode Support
• A palette that holds 176 Unicode characters/symbols/glyphs is available for data representation. Each item in this palette can be replaced by a Unicode character/glyph from the System character palette, and can be scaled from 50 to 200% of the initial size (100%) in 20 steps.
• Citrin supports Unicode for storing data in worksheets, for graphing data, and for creating tables, and text lines.
Markers and Lines for Data Representation
• Citrin markers: A palette with 175 marker symbols, each of which can be scaled from 50 to 200% of the initial size (100%) in 20 steps.
• Line attributes: Controls for selecting different line types, thickness, and color.
• Unicode glyphs/symbols.
Customizing Chart Axis Attributes
• Flexible customizing tools are available for modifying the chart axis attributes, e.g., linear or logarithmic scale, forward or reverse, the axis range, changing extended date or numeric display formats, or modifying the attributes of axis lines, titles, labels, etc.
Color Management
• The color palettes and color gradient palettes in Citrin are represented using default colors. However, you can freely change the items of a palette or create new color gradients from simple, complex, or pure colors, with a few clicks of the mouse.
Managing Transparency
• The transparency manager allows separate control of transparency in fills, lines, and markers.
Quartz Patterns
• Quartz patterns are available for customizing fills.
• Quartz patterns are vector drawings (stencil patterns) and are designed for use with the Quartz graphic system and PDF.

HydroCAD 建模雨水徑流計算輔助設計工具
In a HydroCAD model, stormwater chambers typically appear as part of the storage definition for a “pond”. In the simplest case, HydroCAD calculates the available storage for use with other calculations. But more often, it is used to generate a completer inflow or runoff hydrograph and route it through the pond. The resulting analysis indicates the water levels attained throughout the rainfall event, as well as any discharge that may occur through outlet devices or infiltration into the surrounding ground.
KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體
KaleidaGraph將您複雜的數據轉為有意義的圖形,繪圖速度非常快,文件可在Windows與MAC兩平台中交換使用,新的特色包含:支持Excel之檔案,Windows和Mac檔案可互換,頁面非常容易設定,可同時開啟32組圖;KaleidaGraph主要內容特色:可接受Excel和text文件的數據,使用代數和統計的函數可以處理八百萬點數據,提供16種精確的2D圖型,獨立的上下標誤差條狀圖,包含9種內建的曲線套配,(線性回歸與平滑套配) ,也可輸入您自己的配套方程式
Dundas BI 商業智慧平台
Dundas BI 是一個用於 Web 的服務器應用程序,可以安裝在 Windows 或 Linux 上,並使用 Microsoft SQL Server 或 PostgreSQL 數據庫進行存儲。用戶可以使用支持的 Web 瀏覽器從任何設備登錄並連接到各種其他數據庫和數據源,這可能需要安裝額外的驅動程序。