JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

  • JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    JpGraph這個強大的繪圖組件能根據你的需要畫出任意圖形,只要你能提供數據 ,它就能畫圖.簡單的說,畫圖就像你剛學數據結構時候編寫的一些處理數據算法,而這裡只是多了幾個調用繪圖函數的過程來把處理的數據填進去自動畫圖.
  • 價格

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

JpGraph這個強大的繪圖組件能根據你的需要畫出任意圖形,只要你能提供數據 ,它就能畫圖.簡單的說,畫圖就像你剛學數據結構時候編寫的一些處理數據算法,而這裡只是多了幾個調用繪圖函數的過程來把處理的數據填進去自動畫圖.
If you plan on using JpGraph in a commercial context you will need to acquire the professional license. Commercial use is for example if you use JpGraph on a site to provide a service for paying customers or for example if you are using JpGraph in an intranet to provide support for internal business processes, i.e. in benefit for a commercial company.
In short, if you use JpGraph where you have an economic advantage (either through paying customers or improving internal business processes) this most likely falls under commercial use.

Additional benefits with the Pro-Version
  •     •  ... installation and configuration support via email for 3 month after purchase
  •    •  ... automatic notifications on updates
  •    •  ... inclusion of JpGraph in a commercial context
  •    •  ... license holder may make in house modifications to JpGraph which is kept in-house
  •    •  ... additional graph modules (see more information below)
Additional Modules In The Professional Version
In addition to the benefits listed above the Professional Version also includes several additional graph modules includeing both linear and 2D barcodes.
  1. 1.Linear - Barcode module. Allows easy creation of all commonly used linear barcode symbologies.
    2.2D-Barcode PDF417. Allows easy creation of PDF417 two dimensional barcodes.
  2. 3.2D-Barcode Datamatrix. Allows easy creation of Datamatrix 2-dimensional barcodes. 
    4.QR-Code 2-dimensional high capacity barcodes. Allows easy creation of QR 2-dimensional barcodes.
  3. 5.Odometer/Tachometer module. Allows for the creation of fully customizable tachometer graphs.
    6.Windrose module. Allows for the creation of Windroses which are used to display wind strengths in various compass directions.
  4. 7.Matrix visualization. Allows the visualization of 2-dimensional matrices.
    8.Graphic Excel like tables. Allow for the creation of graphic tables that can be added as objects to the graphs. All common formatting is available like cell spanning over multiple columns and rows, different kinds of grid lines, full CSIM support and many more features.

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