KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體

KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體

  • KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體
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  • 介紹
    KaleidaGraph將您複雜的數據轉為有意義的圖形,繪圖速度非常快,文件可在Windows與MAC兩平台中交換使用,新的特色包含:支持Excel之檔案,Windows和Mac檔案可互換,頁面非常容易設定,可同時開啟32組圖;KaleidaGraph主要內容特色:可接受Excel和text文件的數據,使用代數和統計的函數可以處理八百萬點數據,提供16種精確的2D圖型,獨立的上下標誤差條狀圖,包含9種內建的曲線套配,(線性回歸與平滑套配) ,也可輸入您自己的配套方程式
  • 價格

KaleidaGraph 科學繪圖分析軟體

KaleidaGraph將您複雜的數據轉為有意義的圖形,繪圖速度非常快,文件可在Windows與MAC兩平台中交換使用,新的特色包含:支持Excel之檔案,Windows和Mac檔案可互換,頁面非常容易設定,可同時開啟32組圖;KaleidaGraph主要內容特色:可接受Excel和text文件的數據,使用代數和統計的函數可以處理八百萬點數據,提供16種精確的2D圖型,獨立的上下標誤差條狀圖,包含9種內建的曲線套配,(線性回歸與平滑套配) ,也可輸入您自己的配套方程式
KaleidaGraph contains the comprehensive toolset you need to get your graphing and data analysis done quickly and easily. Period. No costly "bells and whistles" that you rarely use. No complicated software that costs you valuable time and takes you away from your science. Just exceptional, accurate graphing and analysis at a remarkable price.
Flexible Data Entry.
Begin your analysis by either opening a data file or entering data using the keyboard. Excel files may be opened directly. Tab, space, and other delimited text files use a very flexible import facility.
Fast and Versatile Graphing Choices.
Create plots quickly and easily using entire data columns or just a selection of your data. Data can be spread across multiple files and seamlessly integrated into one powerful graph to best explain your work. Plot types include: Line, Scatter (X-Y), Double-X, Double-Y, Histogram, Box, Percentile, Horizontal Bar, Stack Bar, Column, Stack Column, Polar, Pie, Summary Column, Double Y Bar, Double Y Column, Dot and Function (enter a formula).
Complete Control over Every Plot Option.
To customize every detail of your plot, simply click directly on each plot element, and a make the logical choices to best illustrate your data. You can modify the axis limits, text labels, tick marks, legend, line thickness, marker shapes & sizes, and more.
When you create a graph you like, save it as a template so you can use it with repetitive data sets for a consistent presentation.
Powerful Data Analysis and Manipulation.
Easy-to-use commands for analyzing your data include a variety of basic statistics, Student t-test, ANOVA, and Wilcoxon. Use the Formula entry window to manipulate your data using over 100 algebraic equations and statistical functions from convenient menus.
Error Bars.
Add error bars to your plot where the error can be specified in a data column or can be calculated by KaleidaGraph.
Precise Curve Fitting.
Apply a variety of curve fits to your plot. We supply 9 generic fits, including Least Squares (Linear) Regression and Smoothing fits, plus a library of over 100 industry-specific formulas. Utilize one of these predefined fits or enter your own equation for your data. All fits are calculated with incredible speed and accuracy.
Effortless Printing and Plot Export. 
Use KaleidaGraph's page layout window to create multigraph presentations. Choose simple features that rearrange and resize your graphs. Then add text, colored backgrounds, and graphics as needed to achieve a professional result. Easily export graphs to PowerPoint, the web, or a favorite application using popular file formats.

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