PDF Viewer Component PDF應用軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

PDF Viewer Component PDF應用軟體

PDF Viewer Component PDF應用軟體

  • PDF Viewer Component PDF應用軟體
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    PDF Viewer Component is a light weight ActiveX Control which enables your application to display and interact with PDF files. It is identical to Adobe Reader program and adds high speed viewing of PDF documents to your applications easily. Read-Only Support for PDF Viewer! It is a great solution for companies wishing to display read only PDF document to their employees while restricting save or save to the underlying data. The control is lightweight and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using PDF Reader in a custom solution.
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PDF Viewer Component PDF應用軟體

PDF Viewer Component is a light weight ActiveX Control which enables your application to display and interact with PDF files. It is identical to Adobe Reader program and adds high speed viewing of PDF documents to your applications easily. Read-Only Support for PDF Viewer! It is a great solution for companies wishing to display read only PDF document to their employees while restricting save or save to the underlying data. The control is lightweight and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using PDF Reader in a custom solution.

Features :

Seamlessly use the Adobe Reader as the container to render the PDF files. 100% PDF format compatible.
HTTP/HTTPS Support. With the component it is easy to upload or download file between distant server and client via HTTP/FTP.
Show/Hide the Save Copy As button which is available in adobe tool bar.
Show/Hide the PDF Print button in adobe tool bar.
Show/Hide the scrollbar in PDF viewer.

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