Aspose 程式開發軟體-程式開發軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

Aspose 程式開發軟體

Aspose 程式開發軟體

  • Aspose 程式開發軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    在Aspose,您會發現您可以使用各種功能豐富的組件。這些組件面向五個不同的平台,.NET,Java,MS SQL Reporting Services,JasperReports和MS Office SharePoint Server。使用我們的.NET組件,開發人員可以在.NET中創建應用程序,可以打開,編輯,創建和保存業務中一些最流行的文件格式。我們提供了一系列出色的數據可視化組件,以及相當多的實用組件。Java組件提供與.NET組件提供的類似的文件格式處理。對於任何希望從MS SQL Server Reporting Services生成多種格式的報告的人來說,我們的SSRS渲染擴展是必須的。Aspose提供的JasperReports Exporters集對於任何希望將JasperReports報告導出為各種格式的人來說都是必不可少的。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我們不斷增長的SharePoint組件對於任何尋求在MS Office SharePoint服務器中轉換文檔的快速且經濟實惠的解決方案的人來說都是必不可少的。
  • 價格

Aspose program development software

Aspose.Total for .NET
Aspose.Total for .NET is the most complete package of all .NET file format APIs provided by Aspose.
It enables developers to create, edit, render, print and convert between the most popular file formats within any .

Aspose.Total for Java
Aspose.Total for Java is a collection of file format APIs for Java developers, empowering them to create, update, print, render and convert between multiple file formats from within any Java J2SE, J2EE, J2ME applications.
Aspose.Total for C ++
Aspose.Total for C++ is a complete package of C++ libraries specifically designed to create, manipulate & convert popular file formats from Microsoft Office & PDF without requiring Office or Adobe Automation. C++ API package also includes a specialized library to generate & recognize barcode labels from images with advanced features to customize the barcode generation and recognition process.
Aspose.Total for Android via Java
Aspose.Total for Android via Java is a compilation of every Android API offered by Aspose. Developers can create, manipulate, render and convert between different document formats within Android applications.
We compile all Android APIs on with each update to ensure that it contains each of Aspose Android via Java versions. During the subscription period, if any new version of existing API is released – it will be included in the package and once can fully download it to use.

Aspose.Total for SharePoint
Aspose.Total for SharePoint is a combination of each compiled SharePoint app offered by Aspose. It offers developers to easily convert and combine documents from within Microsoft SharePoint, and supports multiple document formats with high fidelity conversion.
We compile all SharePoint apps with each new release of any Aspose SharePoint apps. If a new SharePoint app or a new version of existing apps is released during the subscription period – it will be added in the SharePoint package and one can download and use it.

Aspose.Total for Reporting Services
Aspose.Total for Reporting Services is a suite of Rendering Extensions for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, allowing developers to easily export RDL reports to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF document formats. You may also enhance the workflow by adding the barcodes to the exported documents.
We compile all rendering extensions with each new release to ensure that each one has its all latest Aspose SSRS rendering extensions. If a new Reporting Services extension or a new version of existing extensions is released during the subscription period - it will be added within the package, and you are fully entitled to get & use it.
Aspose.Total for Reporting Services allows developers to be more productive by delivering quality solutions to their customers on time.

Aspose program development software

Aspose.Total for .NET

Supports any 32-bit or 64-bit operating system where .NET or Mono framework is installed including, but not limited to:
• Microsoft Windows desktop (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) and server
  operating systems (2003, 2008, 2012)
• Windows Azure
• Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE, CentOS and others)
• Mac OS X
Component Type
• .NET Class
• .NET Core
• ASP.NET Core
• .NET Framework versions 2.0 or later including Client
   Profile versions
• Mono 2.6.7 or later
Development Environments
You can develop applications in any development environment that targets the .NET platform, but the following environments are explicitly supported:
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and later
• MonoDevelop 2.4 and later

Aspose.Total for Java

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 2012 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 2019 Server (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows Vista (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows XP (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 7 (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1 (x64, x86)
Microsoft Windows 10 (x64, x86)
Microsoft Azure
Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, CentOS, and others)
Mac OS X
Supported Java Versions
J2SE 6.0 (1.6)
J2SE 7.0 (1.7)
J2SE 8.0 (1.8) or above

Aspose.Total for C ++

• Microsoft Windows desktop (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
   and server operating systems (2003, 2008, 2012)
• Windows Azure
• Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE, CentOS and others)
• Mac OS X
Component Type
Compatible Containers
• Microsoft Visual Studio
• Dev C++
• C++ Builder
• MonoDevelop

Aspose.Total for Android via Java
• Android OS 2.0 and up
Component Type
• Java Class
Aspose.Total for SharePoint
Server Requirements:
To install Aspose.Words for SharePoint you need a computer running one of the following:
• Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
• Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
• Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
• Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
• Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013
• Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
• Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
Installing the latest service packs and other updates for these products is recommended.

Client Requirements
You need a browser to access SharePoint sites. 
The following browsers were checked with Aspose.Words

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9
• Mozilla FireFox 3.5
• Google Chrome 3
• Safari 4

Aspose 程式開發軟體

Aspose.Total for .NET
Aspose.Total for .NET是Aspose提供的所有.NET文件格式API中最完整的軟件包。

Aspose.Total for Java
Aspose.Total for Java是Java開發人員的文件格式API的集合,
使他們能夠從任何Java J2SE,J2EE,J2ME應用程序中創建,

Aspose.Total for C ++
Aspose.Total for C ++是C ++庫的完整軟件包,專門用於從Office和PDF創建,處理和轉換流行的文件格式,而無需Office或Adobe Automation。C ++ API軟件包還包括一個專門的庫,用於從具有高級功能的圖像中生成和識別條形碼標籤,以自定義條形碼的生成和識別過程。
Aspose.Total for Android via Java
通過Java for Android的Aspose.Total是Aspose提供的每個Android API的彙編。
我們會在每次更新時編譯所有Android API,
以確保它通過Java版本包含每個Aspose Android。

Aspose.Total for SharePoint
Aspose.Total for SharePoint是由Aspose提供的每個已編譯SharePoint應用程序的組合。
它使開發人員可以輕鬆地在Microsoft SharePoint中轉換和合併文檔,
我們使用任何Aspose SharePoint應用程序的每個新發行版編譯所有SharePoint應用程序。

Aspose.Total for Reporting Services
Aspose.Total for Reporting Services是一套用於Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services的渲染擴展套件,使開發人員可以輕鬆地將RDL報告導出為Word,Excel,PowerPoint和PDF文檔格式。

​​​​​​我們會在每個新版本中編譯所有渲染擴展,以確保每個版本都有其最新的Aspose SSRS渲染擴展。
如果在訂閱期內發布了新的Reporting Services擴展或現有擴展的新版本-它將添加到程序包中,您完全有權獲得和使用它。
Aspose.Total for Reporting Services可以通過按時向其客戶提供優質解決方案來提高開發人員的生產力。

Aspose 程式開發軟體

在Aspose,您會發現您可以使用各種功能豐富的組件。這些組件面向五個不同的平台,.NET,Java,MS SQL Reporting Services,JasperReports和MS Office SharePoint Server。使用我們的.NET組件,開發人員可以在.NET中創建應用程序,可以打開,編輯,創建和保存業務中一些最流行的文件格式。我們提供了一系列出色的數據可視化組件,以及相當多的實用組件。Java組件提供與.NET組件提供的類似的文件格式處理。對於任何希望從MS SQL Server Reporting Services生成多種格式的報告的人來說,我們的SSRS渲染擴展是必須的。Aspose提供的JasperReports Exporters集對於任何希望將JasperReports報告導出為各種格式的人來說都是必不可少的。最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我們不斷增長的SharePoint組件對於任何尋求在MS Office SharePoint服務器中轉換文檔的快速且經濟實惠的解決方案的人來說都是必不可少的。

Aspose 程式開發軟體

Understand 5.1 程式源碼閱讀分析軟體


Understand 5.1 程式源碼閱讀分析軟體

Essential XlsIO程式開發軟體

Essential XlsIO是一個.NET庫,可以讀取,寫入和修改Microsoft Excel文件。它具有類似於Microsoft Office Automation庫的完整對像模型。它可以在沒有安裝Microsoft Excel的系統上使用,使其成為一個出色的報表引擎。Essential XlsIO使用戶能夠在Windows窗體,ASP.NET,WPF,ASP.NET MVC和Silverlight應用程序中創建格式豐富的Microsoft Excel報表。

Essential XlsIO程式開發軟體