CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator) 客戶聯合模擬軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator) 客戶聯合模擬軟體

CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator)  客戶聯合模擬軟體

  • CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator) 客戶聯合模擬軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Our conjoint analysis systems all use a standardized market simulation tool (currently available as a component within the SMRT platform). You can deliver that same market simulation to your clients at a very reasonable cost. A single license covers the entire licensed organization, for unlimited users. The CCS is a special installation of SMRT that enables only the menus related to market simulations.
  • 價格

Apple MacBook Pro

Educational discount available at Apple Stores or the Apple online educational store (

  • Processor: M1 Pro or Better
  • Memory: 32GB unified Memory
  • Hard Drive: 512GB SSD storage or betterAppleCare 3-year protection plan: Highly recommended

Windows PC

  • Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OS or Windows 11
  • Processor: 64-bit Intel® Xeon, or i-Series processor with Intel® or AMD equivalent. Highest affordable CPU speed with multiple cores recommended.
  • Memory: 32GB of Memory
  • Graphic Card: Supported NVIDIA® or AMD graphics card with OpenGL 4.3 support and a certified driver. 8GB Memory minimum.
  • Hard Drive: 512GB SSD3-yr protection plan: Highly recommended

CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator)  

Our conjoint analysis systems all use a standardized market simulation tool (currently available as a component within the SMRT platform). You can deliver that same market simulation to your clients at a very reasonable cost. A single license covers the entire licensed organization, for unlimited users. The CCS is a special installation of SMRT that enables only the menus related to market simulations.
CCS Specifications:
  •   • Up to 30 attributes, with up to 250 levels per attribute
  •   • Up to 100 products per market simulation scenario

System Requirements
SMRT is designed to run on MS Windows 10 Pro 64-bit / Windows 11 operating systems.

CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator) 客戶聯合模擬軟體

Our conjoint analysis systems all use a standardized market simulation tool (currently available as a component within the SMRT platform). You can deliver that same market simulation to your clients at a very reasonable cost. A single license covers the entire licensed organization, for unlimited users. The CCS is a special installation of SMRT that enables only the menus related to market simulations.

CCS (Client Conjoint Simulator)  客戶聯合模擬軟體

Stella Architect 系統動力學建模軟體

Stella Architect是功能強大的系統動力學建模軟體,被廣泛應用於模擬和實驗各種動態系統。該軟體提供一個直觀且強大的環境,使用戶能夠建立複雜的動態模型,並進行模擬以了解系統的行為和性能。Stella Architect的主要功能之一是圖形化建模界面,這使得用戶能夠輕鬆地創建模型,無需進行編程或複雜的設置。通過拖放操作和連接不同的元件,用戶可以快速構建系統模型,並輕鬆地進行修改和調整,完成可視化和報告生成。此外,Stella Architect提供了豐富的模型庫,其中包含了各種預建的模型元件,如變數、方程式等等,幫助用戶更快速地建立起模型的骨架,並進行進一步的定制和擴展。該軟體還具有強大的數據分析和驗證功能,用戶可以進行不同情境下的模擬,並觀察系統行為的變化。透過對模型進行策略分析和優化,評估不同策略和方案對系統的影響,從而做出更明智的決策。

Stella Architect 系統動力學建模軟體