PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體-水文軟體/新永資訊有限公司

PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體

PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體

  • PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體
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  • 介紹
    PORFLOW - #1 choice of simulation software among consultants and researchers alike in the Ground Water Flow and Nuclear Waste Management fields - is here. On top of the many stability and versatility features built into the solver, PORFLOW comes bundled with CFDStudio™, the integrated development environment for CFD applications.
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PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體

PORFLOW - #1 choice of simulation software among consultants and researchers alike in the Ground Water Flow and Nuclear Waste Management fields - is here. On top of the many stability and versatility features built into the solver, PORFLOW comes bundled with CFDStudio™, the integrated development environment for CFD applications.

Among the many other new features are:
  •   º  Gridless Computing (2D only, 3D under development).(*)
  •   º  Support extended to Hybrid elements such as prisms, pyramids, tetrahedra as well as hexahedra (3D); triangles as well as quads (2D). Any combination of elements are acceptable.(*)
  •   º  Adaptive Gridding / Auto Refinement at runtime based on certain runtime criteria.(*)
  •   º  If-then-else type of conditional statements.
  •   º  Better matrix solution control.
  •   º  Computational improvements for better interpolation of values at faces.
PORFLOW™ has been used to analyze problems as diverse as salinity intrusion into fresh water aquifers and remediation of hazardous waste sites. It has been used to evaluate pumping of an aquifer over a period of days, remediation of waste sites over a period of years, corrosion of waste canisters over tens of years, and transport of contaminants from nuclear waste over a time span of hundreds of thousands of years.
In the process, PORFLOW has evolved with the user's needs. At every stage, the flexibility and generality of the software were maintained while options were added to address user requirements. As a result, today PORFLOW provides a flexible format that is bound neither to a specific algorithm, nor to a particular methodology. Rather, it provides a framework that facilitates experimentation. The user can change numerical schemes, solution method, matrix inversion algorithms, or any of the physical or mathematical features.
Of all features of PORFLOW, two deserve special mention: generality of applications over a diverse range of problems, and ease of use provided by the conversational FREEFORM™ command language. These have enabled PORFLOW to emerge as leading software in its field of application.
PORFLOW is also distinguished from other computer models by the diversity of its users. Commercial, research and educational organizations in 15 countries are using the software. Among its users are: U.S. DOE, USGS, U.S.NRC, U.S.Army, Southwest Research Institute, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Savannah River Laboratory, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, ANDRA (France), SCK-CEN (Belgium), AECL (Canada), Westinghouse, Lockheed Martin, Fluor Daniel, Rockwell, and a large number of other commercial organizations. Over 100 publications and project reports on the benchmarking, verification and application of PORFLOW are currently available.


SMS 13.2 水文軟體

SMS是一個提供給1D,2D和3D水力模型的廣泛系統軟體。它是一個可以把水文模型跟設計先後處理的系統。SMS包含2D有限元素、2D有限差、3D有限元素和1D逆水模型工具。支持模型包含USACE-WES支持的TABS-MD (GFGEN, RMA2, RMA4, SED2D-WES)、ADCIRC、CGWAVE、STWAVE 、M2D、HIVEL2D 和 HEC-RAS 模型。廣泛的介面也已經發展給幫助FHWA委任分析包裝FESWMS的使用和Bri-Stars。SMS也包含一個普通的模型介面,可以使用去支持未正式被合併到系統的模型。

SMS 13.2 水文軟體

AquiferTest Pro 抽水試驗分析軟體

AquiferTest Pro是一款專門設計的用於對抽水試驗和段塞試驗數據進行圖形化分析和報告的軟體,擁有計算各類含水層特性的功能,包括:承壓含水層、非承壓含水層、滲漏含水層、裂隙含水層等

AquiferTest Pro  抽水試驗分析軟體

SOBEK 排水與流域管理模型程式

SOBEK提供的軟體環境,用以模擬河流河口地區,灌溉排水系統以及排污,排雨系統的各種管理問題. 可以綜合考慮封閉管道流,明渠流,河流,地表漫流等一系列水力,水文和環境過程. 分別開發了三條產品線:SOBEK Rural, SOBEK Rrban與SOBEK River,各有特定的用戶介面,方便用戶全面有效的處理各種水相關問題

SOBEK 排水與流域管理模型程式