Decision Lab 2000 多重分析決策軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Decision Lab 2000 多重分析決策軟體

Decision Lab 2000 多重分析決策軟體

  • Decision Lab 2000 多重分析決策軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Decision Lab 2000 is a multicriteria analysis and decision-making software. Its advanced features will provide evidence of strengths vs weaknesses, of conflicts and consensus. By trying your own "What if?" scenarios, you will really improve the quality and the reliability of your decision-making processes.
  • 價格

Decision Lab 2000 

Decision Lab 2000 is a multicriteria analysis and decision-making software. Its advanced features will provide evidence of strengths vs weaknesses, of conflicts and consensus. By trying your own "What if?" scenarios, you will really improve the quality and the reliability of your decision-making processes.

Based on the concrete results of academic research that got worldwide recognition, PROMETHEE and GAIA methods, Decision Lab 2000 was designed to be applied to various multicriteria decision problems. Use Decision Lab's multicriteria models as a financial advisor (stock selection), for strategic planning (projects priorization) or as banking clerk (credit evaluation).
Designed for all Windows platforms, Decision Lab does not require specific computing knowledge. You know MS Excel, you know Decision Lab! Then, it is firmly solution-oriented and dedicated toward decision-makers looking for rational, efficient and balanced decisions.
Moreover, the underlying advanced architecture of Decison Lab let our corporate customers or service providers to develop specific extensions integrated into the same decision-making package.
  • • To administer the data of your decision-making problem inside a multicriteria table and through property sheets describing the main elements of analysis.
  • • To define several scenarios, corresponding to the various points of view of several decision-makers or to the various hypotheses in the study, for a common set of actions and criteria.
  • • To define categories of actions or criteria to underline the principal decision elements and to facilitate the analyses of sensibility.
  • • To apply numerous forms of sorting better to appreciate the results of the analysis.
  • • To calculate classifications PROMETHEE (1) I and II for actions.
  • • To generate graphic representation GAIA (2) of results.
  • • To realize extensive analyses of sensibility by using Walking Weights, intervals of stability, axis of decision GAIA (2), profiles of actions and comparative multi-scenarios.
  • • To generate fully customizable HTML reports.
  • • To personalize the user interface by using docking windows redimmensionnables.
  • And more to discover...
Multicriteria decision-making implemented in Decision Lab helps in strcturing and solving problems such as:
  • • Resource selection: vendors, experts, top managers, etc.
  • • Project ranking: funding, contracting, priorization, etc.
  • • Strategic planning: acquisition, fusion., expansion, etc.
  • • Performance monitoring: quality insurance, technical standards, etc.
  • • Group decision-making: multi stakeholder problems, etc.

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OxMetrics 8.0 計量經濟學軟體

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