Thermo-Calc 材料熱學性能模擬計算軟體
- Thermo-Calc 材料熱學性能模擬計算軟體
介紹Thermo-Calc Software 專注於熱力學計算和擴散模擬領域,並努力為使用者提供專業的軟體、資料及服務。Thermo-Calc Software 是材料開發與研究領域中經驗豐富的電腦類比軟體提供者之一。
Thermo-Calc Thermal Properties of Materials Simulation Software
Thermo-Calc has over the past 30 years gained a world-wide reputation as the best and most powerful software package for thermodynamic calculations. It is widely used for a variety of calculations including calculating:
• Stable and meta-stable heterogeneous phase equilibria
• Amounts of phases and their compositions
• Thermochemical data such as enthalpies, heat capacity and
• Transformation temperatures, such as liquidus and solidus
• Driving force for phase transformations
• Phase diagrams (binary, ternary and multi-component)
• Solidification applying the Scheil-Gulliver model
• Thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions
• And much, much more…
Calculations made on sound basis
All calculations are based on thermodynamic data which is supplied in a database. There exists a wide selection of high-quality databases for various purposes that include many different materials. The databases are produced by experts through critical assessment and systematic evaluation of experimental and theoretical data, following the well-established CALPHAD technique.
Flexible dual-mode User-Interface
Thermo-Calc comes with two modes of operation. A Graphical mode with a user-friendly activity-based interface and a Console mode, where efficient command line interaction enables easy scripting. The user can freely choose which mode to use. There are also special modules for specific type of calculations, such as Scheil-Gulliver simulations of alloy solidification processes, calculation of Pourbaix diagrams and more.
Graphical Mode
The Graphical Mode offers an activity-based interaction where it is easy to set up and modify projects. By this, we mean that users generate a project from specifying and configuring a sequence of separate activities. For example, there are separate activities for defining a system, defining conditions for an equilibrium calculation, and for plotting results. These activities can be performed individually or in sequence depending on choice. It is easy to clone activity trees or save material settings into the material library.
Graphical Mode comes with localisation support for some languages, i.e. English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, German, Spanish and Swedish.
Console Mode
The Console Mode is the powerful command line input option and corresponds to the former Thermo-Calc Classic (TCC). Old TCC macro files can be used in the Console Mode. The user can work with multiple independent console sessions in parallel and display several plots side by side or joined together. The Console Mode is a very versatile option of this thermodynamic software that can perform more calculations than most users can think of.
High-resolution diagrams
Calculated diagrams can be saved with high resolution in
common file formats, such as JPG, SVG, PNG, PDF, EMF,
GIF and PS.
12-months of free maintenance & support
When purchasing a license for Thermo-Calc, 12-months of free maintenance & support are always included. After this period, it is our recommendation that you renew this subscription to keep receiving automatic updates of the software, as well as to be entitled to have access to our technical support.

Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 (64位) , Linux (64位), Mac(64位)
2 GB
建議 8 GB

Thermo-Calc 材料熱學性能模擬計算軟體
SimaPro是基於強大的LCA科學,是衡量產品可持續性的領先方法。它是建立在30年來在可持續發展指標方面的思想領導力以及對主要研究和政策發展的貢獻之上。這使得它成為創建符合ISO標準的LCA(如ISO 14067和14040)、EPD和報告的首選工具。
購買熱Thermo-Calc 計算值許可證時,始終包括12個月的免費維護和支持。在此期限之後,我們建議您續訂此訂閱以繼續接收軟件的自動更新,並有權獲得我們的技術支持。

Comparion 決策支援分析軟體
Comparion Core是一個面向決策者的協作式網絡應用。它簡單易用,直觀的工作流程允許團隊定義決策標準並確定潛在的解決方案。 Comparion Core 可以追踪所有參與者的判斷、數據和評論--讓團隊專注於目標、分析和結果。
BILOG-MG4 項目反應測試軟體
使用這個Windows版本的BILOG-MG,舊版BILOG for Windows產品已經過時了。BILOG-MG-4具有BILOG的所有功能,加上差分項功能(DIF),項目參數漂移,等效和非等效組等同,垂直等同,兩階段測試,組均值估計,標準偏差和潛在分佈。
DADiSP 6.7 (pronounced day-disp) 數據處理分析軟體
DADiSP(發音為day-disp)是一個交互式圖形工作表-一種面向視覺的軟件包,用於顯示,管理,分析和表示 科學和技術數據。如果您收集,處理,編輯,減少,轉換,顯示或分析數據,DADiSP可以處理和簡化您的數據需求。簡而言之,如果您使用的是技術數據,DADiSP非常適合您。