
PrecisionTree 決策分析軟體

PrecisionTree performs decision analysis in Microsoft Excel using decision trees and influence diagrams. Decision trees let you visually map out complex, multi-layered decisions in a sequential, organized manner. This helps you identify all possible alternatives and choose the best option.

PrecisionTree 決策分析軟體

DecisionTools Suite 風險決策分析軟體

The DecisionTools Suite is an integrated set of programs for risk analysis and decision making under uncertainty that runs in Microsoft Excel. The DecisionTools Suite includes @RISK for Monte Carlo simulation, PrecisionTree for decision trees, and TopRank for what if sensitivity analysis. In addition, the DecisionTools Suite comes with StatTools for statistical analysis and forecasting, NeuralTools for predictive neural networks, and Evolver and RISKOptimizer for optimization.

DecisionTools Suite  風險決策分析軟體

DPL 決策分析軟體

DPL是一款功能強大的決策軟體,結合在excel裡使用 For over 15 years, DPL has been the professional's choice for decision analysis and real option valuation. DPL links with Microsoft Excel to bring state-of-the-art uncertainty modelling to the industry standard platform for financial analysis.

DPL 決策分析軟體

Voxler 地球科學3D軟體

Golden Software announces the release of Voxler, the NEW way to visualize your 3D data. It imports data from a plethora of sources, and creates stunning graphics that let you creatively visualize the cryptic relationships in your data set.  

Voxler 地球科學3D軟體

VADOSE/W 地下水層與泥土分析軟體

VADOSE/W is a finite element software product for analyzing flow from the environment, across the ground surface, through the unsaturated vadose zone and into the local groundwater regime. Its comprehensive formulation allows you to analyze both simple and complex problems

VADOSE/W 地下水層與泥土分析軟體

Surfer 26 3D地形等高線圖軟體

Surfer contour maps give you full control over all map parameters. You can accept the Surfer intelligent defaults to automatically create a contour map, or double-click a map to easily customize map features.

Surfer 26  3D地形等高線圖軟體

Strater 鑽井探勘繪圖軟體

Strater offers the flexibility which excels at the time of the design and layout in the histogram. It is not so far with the user interface which operativity is high and is refined, can actualize design and data display with simple operation. Compilation in the histogram is simple. The histogram type which we would like to draw up is selected, the place of the page which arranges the histogram is clicked. And, the data file is selected, parameter is read. The histogram is completion now.

Strater  鑽井探勘繪圖軟體

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

LOPE/W is the leading slope stability software product for computing the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. With SLOPE/W, you can analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.

SLOPE/W 坡度穩定性分析軟體

RockWorks 2023 地質資料分析管理

RockWorks is the latest version of RockWare's flagship software program. RockWorks has long been the standard in the petroleum, environmental, geotechnical and mining industries for subsurface data visualization because of popular tools such as maps, logs, cross sections, fence diagrams, solid models and volumetrics.

RockWorks 2023  地質資料分析管理

QUAKE/W 動態地震分析軟體

QUAKE/W is a geotechnical finite element software product for the dynamic analysis of earth structures subjected to earthquake shaking, or point dynamic forces from a blast or a sudden impact load. Using QUAKE/W, you can determine the motion and excess pore-water pressures that arise due to shaking. Its comprehensive formulation makes QUAKE/W well suited to analyzing a wide range of problems.

QUAKE/W 動態地震分析軟體

PetraSim 地理介面軟體

PetraSim is the graphical interface for the TOUGH2 family of simulators. Developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, TOUGH2 and its derivatives are recognized for their powerful simulation capabilities for fluid flow and heat transfer in porous and fractured media.

PetraSim 地理介面軟體

MapViewer 應用地圖繪製軟體

MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to produce publication-quality thematic maps easily. Small businesses, large corporations, independent consultants, scientists, GIS analysts, and numerous government agencies are discovering important trends in their data with MapViewer. Display your data distribution easily and precisely with more easy-to-use features than ever. Your data is unique and you need the best mapping software for the job!

MapViewer  應用地圖繪製軟體

Grapher 8 地球科學圖形軟體

Grapher is a graphing package designed for use by scientists, engineers, and business professionals. If you need to make graphs quickly and easily, Grapher is meant for you! From your data file, use Grapher to create 40 different 2D and 3D graph types.

Grapher 8 地球科學圖形軟體

Didger 5 地理座標圖像軟體

Didger solves the problem of combining data files in different file formats and in different coordinate systems, by providing extensive tools to transform your GIS data into one cohesive coordinate system.

Didger 5 地理座標圖像軟體

GeoStudio 2D Flow 污染物擴散分析軟體

GeoStudio 2D Flow is a finite element software product that can be used to model the movement of contaminants through porous materials such as soil and rock. The comprehensive formulation of CTRAN/W makes it possible to analyze problems varying from simple particle tracking in response to the movement of water, to complex processes involving diffusion, dispersion, adsorption, radioactive decay and density dependencies. You can apply CTRAN/W to the analysis and design of geotechnical, civil, hydrogeological, and mining engineering projects. 

GeoStudio 2D Flow 污染物擴散分析軟體

ArcGIS Pro 地理資訊系統軟體

ArcGIS Pro是ArcGIS Desktop三個等級中第一階段的版本。其伴隨著的操作介面有:ArcMap、ArcCatalog、ArcToolbox及ModelBuilder,ArcGIS Pro本身即具有強大的GIS工具,可著用於GIS資料的使用、製圖、製作報表及基本的GIS分析。

ArcGIS Pro 地理資訊系統軟體

AIR/W 空氣流量分析軟體

AIR/W is a finite element software product for analyzing groundwater-air interaction problems within porous materials such as soil and rock. Its comprehensive formulation allows you to consider analyses ranging from simple, saturated steady-state problems to sophisticated, saturated-unsaturated time-dependent problems. You can apply AIR/W to the analysis and design of geotechnical, civil, hydrogeological, and mining engineering projects. 

AIR/W 空氣流量分析軟體

Risk Solver 風險分析工具

Risk Solver is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation.  Designed for multi-core PCs and Excel 2007 (or Excel 2003), it's a true "industrial strength" risk analysis tool.

Risk Solver 風險分析工具

ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

ModelRisk 是一個 Monte Carlo 模擬 Excel 插件,允許使用者在其電子表格模型中包含不確定性。自2009 年以來,ModelRisk 一直是市場上的創新領導者,它是第一個引入許多蒙特卡羅方法技術功能的公司,這些功能使風險模型更容易建構、更容易審核和測試,並且更準確地配對您面臨的問題。

ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

Premium Solver 風險解決平台

Frontline Solvers V2017 is here now – available for download from Solver.com. But the changes in V2017 are great enough that, if you're a customer with an existing V2016 license, please contact us so we can update your license subscription BEFORE you download and run the V2017 SolverSetup program. (If you don't do this, you may not be able to run your large models right away.) We highly recommend reading ourblog post for full coverage of what's new (a lot) in V2017.

Premium Solver 風險解決平台