AIØ WIN® 10分析軟體
AIØ WIN®分析軟體第10版 使用AIØ WIN®軟件,創建企業的活動模型,並跟踪所有建模活動的成本。以活動模型開始ABC分析,使您能夠將ABC工作重點放在管理決策需求上。 AIØ WIN®第9版提供了許多選項,以加強您的活動和ABC建模協作。 HTML生成功能允許您指定活動項目中的哪些模型和圖表包含在生成的HTML文件中。 XMI生成功能允許您將AIØ WIN®模型或單個圖導出到XMI,並在UML中查看模型和圖。 AIØ WIN®第9版提供了Visio®生成功能,允許您選擇單個模型和圖表包含在Visio®文件中。 AIØ WIN®在生成HTML期間將顯示活動項目中所有模型和圖表的列表,允許您從列表中選擇。 AIØ WIN®允許您生成XMI文件以支持統一建模語言(UML)。您可以從AIØ WIN®模型或從單個圖表及其分解中生成XMI文件。此功能允許用戶以流行的UML格式查看AIØ WIN®模型。 功能強大的企業活動建模 使用AIØ WIN®軟件中強大的企業活動模型,構建您的業務活動和與您的基線管理戰略的關係。 AIØ WIN®模型使您能夠記錄並以圖形方式顯示所有業務活動。 AIØ WIN®模型按層次組織,允許您從活動和樞軸上深入了解模型的不同和更詳細的觀點。雙擊活動和概念,添加描述元素的文本或附件文件。 支持HTML、Visio、XML和SVG格式。 AIØ WIN®還提供廣泛
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Spire.Office for .NET is a compilation of Enterprise-Level Office .NET components offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc, Spire XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.PDF, Spire.DataExport,Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.DocViewer and Spire.BarCode. Spire.Office contains the most up-to-date versions of the above .NET components.
ZTreeWin 目錄管理器軟體
ZTreeWin is a fast and flexible text-mode file/directory manager for all versions of Windows. It has been developed as the successor to the legendary DOS file-manager XTreeGold. Anyone who has used that remarkable program would be aware of its superior capabilities as a text-mode, tree-structured file-manager - but would also likely be aware that its limited memory support, and lack of long filename support are today a major issue.
A.D.A.M 健康醫療相關系列軟體
A.D.A.M. creates innovative online information and technology solutions for employers, benefits brokers, hospitals, healthcare organizations and others. Our highly configurable Health Solutions products help hospitals, health plans, and healthcare websites with award-winning health content and interactive tools.
Solid Documents PDF製作轉換工具
Turn your PDFs into documents you can edit. Solid Converter PDF to Word converts PDF files into Microsoft Word® documents (and Word files into PDFs). Solid Converter lets you recover the text, layout, and images of your original document at a fraction of the cost of Adobe® Acrobat® .
ZTreeBold 目錄管理器軟體
ZTreeBold is a text-mode file/directory manager for OS/2. It has been developed as a native OS/2 alternative to the DOS product, XTreeGold(tm), now that its owners have officially ceased further development and support. While I am sure you are well aware of the virtues of XTreeGold, you know the disadvantages of it being a DOS program. I wrote ZTreeBold to provide all the functionality I am so accustomed to, while avoiding all the DOS imposed limitations.
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A powerful CHM creator/generator helping you to create professional HTML help. Convert Word document (.doc, .rtf, .htm, etc.) to perfect HTML help or CHM e-book without any HTML or CHM skills. Make CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout of the original document. Create topic tree according to the outline of the Word document.