AquaChem 水文模型軟體
AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations.
Mindmanager 心智圖軟體
The new MindManager 2018 for Windows® See everything. Share everywhere. Achieve ANYTHING. With groundbreaking new ways to visually capture, process and share knowledge, it’s the most robust, powerful MindManager version yet — enabling you to think more clearly, work faster and get more done than ever before.
Conners CPT 3 持續度表現測試第三版
Conners Continuous Performance Test Third Edition™ (Conners CPT 3™) 衡量八歲以上個體的注意力相關問題。透過受訪者在註意力不集中、衝動、持續注意力和警覺性方面的表現進行索引,Conners CPT 3 可以幫助評估注意力不足/過動症 (ADHD) 和其他與注意力相關的神經系統疾病。Conners CPT 3 提供有關個人在註意力任務中表現的客觀信息,補充從 Conners 3® 等評級量表獲得的信息。Conners CPT 3 可與 Conners 連續聽覺注意力測試 (Conners CATA™) 結合使用,該測試可評估 8 歲及以上個體的聽覺處理和注意力相關問題。Conners CPT 3 和 Conners CATA 可以作為組合套件購買,也可以單獨購買。
Barcode Studio 條碼製作軟體
Zoner Barcode Studio is a complete barcode solution. It enables you to create, print, export and manage/archive the following codes: UPC A, UPC E, ITF, Code 128, EAN 13, EAN 8, UCC/EAN 128, Code 39, Code 93, Codabar, Postnet, 2/5 Industrial, 2/5 IATA, 2/5 Interleaved, 2/5 Matrix, 2/5 Datalogic and 2/5 Inverted.
TAL Bar Code ActiveX Control 條碼軟體
The TALtech Bar Code ActiveX Control has all the features necessary to easily add professional quality barcodes to any Windows application including Web pages, database reporting and labeling, product packaging, document tracking, postal bar coding and special purpose barcode labeling applications.
Exceed 系統模擬軟體
Gives developers all of Xceed's user interface and data manipulation components. Also includes the most advanced WPF grid control. Perfect WPF themes for your entire app, with important ones like Office, Metro and Windows 7 and 8: it even styles the Microsoft datagrid and all base WPF controls! And dozens of tools for devs and designers for a superb UX. See the Featurespage for the complete list of products.