goPatrol為SECWARD繼文件加密軟體TotalFileGuard後,所推出的新世代系統。沿襲TotalFileGuard保護文件及高度彈性的特質,擴大五個面向的資料流向監測機制,以提早示警及提高舉證效力,包括: 軟體與裝置異動自動偵測、文件列印實體與虛擬輸出、資料透過網路傳送、外接裝置的文件 存取、文件歷程保全、及綜合告警。 goPatrol會按預先擬定的對策,自動檢測異常的行為,並將可疑行為的各種輸出管道(包括:外接儲存裝置、網路傳輸、即時通訊、遠端桌面、遠端遙控...等)進行追 蹤 及記錄。即使用戶端 發生有意或無意的文件破壞操作,都可以讓被滅失的文件快速的呈現及復原。
B-Coder Lite 條碼軟體
B-Coder Lite is designed for desktop publishing applications where the user needs only a small quantity of the highest possible quality bar code graphics for documents or film masters. It is extremely easy to use and creates perfect bar code graphics for UPC A or E, EAN 8 or 13, Code 39, BookLan, I 2 of 5 and PostNET. It has all the advanced desktop publishing features of B-Coder Pro including color support, rotation, exact specification of bar code height and width, support for all bar code features including bar width reduction (to account for ink spread on an ink press).