Crash Zone 事故模擬軟體
For nearly 20 years The Crash Zone has been the drawing program of choice for Accident Reconstructionists and Law Enforcement Officers who need to accurately map crash scenes. The latest version of The Crash Zone has even more tools for Crash Investigators and Reconstructionists, including easy 3D animations, a vehicle specifications database, skid analysis and momentum calculations, and an easy-to-use 3D body poser! To help you get started fast, it includes a printed User's Manual, comprehensive electronic help, and a CD full of training movies. There is no annual maintenance fee and Tech
CapdetWorks 廢水處理廠設計軟體
Accurate and rapid preliminary design and cost estimating for wastewater treatment plant construction projects are a worldwide priority. CapdetWorks is a preliminary design and costing program that eliminates the need for spreadsheet-based design algorithms that can be relatively inflexible and are often time-consuming to maintain.
TOXCHEM+ 廢水污染預測軟體
TOXCHEM+ is the wastewater industry’s choice as the most reliable and user-friendly predictive fate model. TOXCHEM+ combines simplicity of use with rigorous process engineering models to deliver the best software for estimating air emissions and contaminant fate during wastewater collection and treatment.
WatPro 廢水處理模擬軟體
WatPro 廢水處理模擬軟體 WatPro is the premier water treatment simulator for predicting water quality based on specific treatment processes and chemical addition (e.g. alum, ferric chloride, NaOH, lime). WatPro uses raw water quality parameters such as pH, TOC and SUVA, and design and operating characteristics of process tanks, to simulate plant operation.
Garritan 數位音色庫
Garritan Acquired by MakeMusic MakeMusic, Inc., makers of Finale™, has signed an agreement to acquire Garritan Corporation, the world's leading provider of software musical instruments. We are really excited to join the MakeMusic family and there will be exciting things happening as we expand our success further with MakeMusic!
Band-in-a-Box 樂團音樂製作軟體
Band-in-a-Box®2024 for Windows具有超過80個令人興奮的新功能和增強功能!主屏幕GUI已重新設計了許多要求的改進,包括新的,更小的空間,可配置的工具欄等等。 RealTracks聽起來比以往更好的拉伸和轉換質量(Elastique 3),更好的短語轉換和自然安排。我們添加了新的“Woodshedding”RealTracks稱為12鍵吉他RealTracks從布蘭特梅森演奏在12鍵與Hi-Q(精確)選項卡/記法,是理想的學習和學習。有許多RealDrums增強功能,包括半/雙/三倍時間,一個鼓軌道上的多個鼓/打擊樂/循環,等等。有一個專門的歌曲標題瀏覽器,元數據信息超過8,000流行歌曲。 UserTracks增強功能包括半/雙/三倍時間,休息,3/4華爾茲支持等。我們添加了一個新的VST合成器(sforzando SFZ合成器)支持流行的.SFZ聲音格式,以及PG音樂的Hi-Q聲音... ...和更多!
PC-Rect 影像照片調校軟體
Photographs and videos oblique to a surface are transformated into a plan view like a map. Scanners and digital cameras can be used directly from within the program so the rectification of any kind of picture is possible Distances can be measured true to scale and true to angle.Up to 10 different reference lengths can be used for rectification.
goPatrol為SECWARD繼文件加密軟體TotalFileGuard後,所推出的新世代系統。沿襲TotalFileGuard保護文件及高度彈性的特質,擴大五個面向的資料流向監測機制,以提早示警及提高舉證效力,包括: 軟體與裝置異動自動偵測、文件列印實體與虛擬輸出、資料透過網路傳送、外接裝置的文件 存取、文件歷程保全、及綜合告警。 goPatrol會按預先擬定的對策,自動檢測異常的行為,並將可疑行為的各種輸出管道(包括:外接儲存裝置、網路傳輸、即時通訊、遠端桌面、遠端遙控...等)進行追 蹤 及記錄。即使用戶端 發生有意或無意的文件破壞操作,都可以讓被滅失的文件快速的呈現及復原。